
Workplace Mediation Services North Wales & Cheshire

How do businesses normally manage workplace conflict?

The traditional way of handling workplace conflict is through a grievance procedure set out in the company handbook.

Usually, this means the employee writes to their employer to explain their complaint and describes how they’d like it resolved.

The employer will then investigate the grievance and determine an outcome. 

However, the formal complaint process can be time-consuming and stressful for everyone involved, with performance often negatively affected during the investigatory process. 

All too often, the procedure doesn’t lead to a satisfactory resolution for either party. Sometimes, the employee may even resign or file a tribunal claim if they feel their employer hasn’t dealt with their grievance fairly.

A better solution to workplace conflict

The grievance process tends to be formal and rigid, with no real winners nine times out of ten. The good news is that workplace mediation offers a viable alternative to conflict resolution. 

More beneficial for both employers and employees, a neutral third party in mediation helps everyone involved reach a mutually agreeable solution. 

The benefits of workplace mediation include:

  • A faster and less stressful process than the traditional grievance procedure
  • A transparent approach that prevents misunderstandings and stops conflict from escalating 
  • A dispute resolution method which opens up possibilities for creative problem-solving and is more likely to result in a solution that both parties can live with
  • A confidential process which fosters trust and co-operation.

In addition to all the above benefits, workplace mediation also helps to avoid conflict escalation and potential legal actions.

Book a FREE no-obligation consultation to understand more about how Workplace Mediation could help your business

Please submit the form below and I will be in touch.

Melissa Bramwell
TCM Accredited Mediator at Allington Hughes Law

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